Do You Want To Speak At The 2016 All America Laughter Conference?

We invite laughter experts from all horizons to apply to present at this conference and contribute to its educational experience. Your topic must be Laughter-related and help promote health, joy and/or community.


It is important before you apply that you read carefully and understand the following:

  • Presenters do not get paid. We see the ability to present as an honor and privilege. You do, however, get to attend the main conference event either for free or at a 50% discount depending on the program you are presenting.
  • Traveling, accommodation, food and any other onsite expenses are your responsibility.
  • You are welcome to bring and sell your own products (you get 100% of all proceeds) but will bear all possible costs associated with that (e.g., table rental if any is required by the conference host location).

Selection Criteria

  1. Level of expertise: You must present on something you do in your professional life, not something have an opinion about.
  2. Relevance of proposed presentation to this year’s conference theme.
  3. Contribution of new ideas and practices
  4. Practical applications of what you are presenting – must be successfully time-tested and easy to duplicate.
  5. Proposal objectives and documentation MUST meet Continuing Medical Education/Continuing Education (CME/CE) standards (i.e., include a clear definition and learning objectives.)