Pre-Conference Training

With Sebastien and Raquel Gendry
Sebastien Gendry is the creator of the Laughter Wellness method and a leading American Laughter Therapist.

Raquel Gendry is a master trainer in the performing arts and a professional medical clown.

Laughter Therapy 101, At Home And At Work

When: Oct. 06-07, 9am-5pm daily
Where: Same as conference
Price: Stand alone: $295 | With conference: $195 (2 days)

Come learn and practice numerous joy and laughter-filled techniques and exercises that release physical and emotional tensions and create positive behavioral changes. We’ll explore simple and very practical ways to transform the known 10 keys for happier living into practical daily experience, both at home and at work: Giving, Relating, Exercise, Awareness, Trying Out, Direction, Resilience, Emotions, Acceptance, Meaning. Our work is based on Laughter Wellness, a new and fun holistic methodology focused on amplifying a positive attitude and designed to improve physical, mental, emotional and social wellbeing.